Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 9th June 2014 at 2pm

Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Sarah Baker
John Bulmer
Ron Kidson
Peter Leigh
David Beechey (ex-officio representing Albrighton PC)
David Thomas (ex-officio representing Boningale PC)

1. Apologies  received from Rod Smith, Mike Pitchford, Alan Wilmot & David Hughes. Michael Ward did not attend

2. Minutes of Meeting of 12th May 2014 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– deferred to next meeting in the absence of MP
4 Albrighton Arts and Heritage Forum.
a) PBW welcomed Pauline Morton (PM) to the meeting and a discussion ensued regarding whether it was necessary to spit AAHF into two parts – its Arts and Crafts activities and its funding role for the Station Master’s house.
It was decided that this possibility would be deferred until the feasibility of another round of fund raising for the Station Heritage Centre had been established

b) The Station Heritage Centre fund raising.
PM tabled notes (attached to these minutes ) which she, Kate Fletcher and Ron Kidson had been involved with. The action points referred to in these notes were approved as was the establishing of an AAHF and ADCS joint working party. This working party would be tasked with pursuing all funding possibilities and would have the mission to table a further funding application to the HLF and other funding bodies. The membership of the working party would be PBW, RS, RK, MP & DB from ADCS and PM, KF, LM, and ND from AAHF – assuming those not present at today’s meeting agreed to become members.

RS would be asked to convene a meeting of the working party asap.

5 To consider progress in regard to following main issues
a) Village Entrance Scheme
JB reported that he and PBW had weeded the Patshull Road beds and that he would use Roundup on them soon. DT asked about the height of the roses and PBW said that in the first year or so pruning should be light but next winter the pruning would be more severe and the height and density of the bushes would be reduced.
PBW also said he had asked Shropshire Council to strim the rear of the beds when mowing the front of them.

b)  Albrighton Station Pedestrian Access Ramp
PBW explained the progress made at a recent meeting chaired again by Mark Pritchard MP and that a further meeting of the Ramp Team would be held on 26th June with Sylvia Pledger the new Chair of APC, Shropshire Councillor Malcolm Pate and representatives of the other Parish Councils involved.

6 Matters arising
a)   Public Toilet and Crown Car Park
DB reported that discussions continued with the appropriate parties but no decisions yet     

b) Albrighton Scouts 
PBW asked for suggestions to be tabled at the next meeting for how the offer of help from the Scouts could be taken up.

c) Albrighton Garage Frontage -  PBW still to action

d) Hanging Basket Competition
JB reported that articles had been put into the Parish Magazine and entrants were awaited.
Sue Pate had asked for help delivering the Flower Show leaflets (which included ADCS’s flyer encouraging new or renewal of membership) PBW said he and Phyl W would  deliver some and asked if others could help too.

e) Albrighton Fayre – all were urged to participate on the day but if they could not
please could they find a substitute (please send name to RS)

7. Any Other Business
PL suggested that another meeting be held with the owners of the triangular piece of the land near Albrighton Station in view of DB’s report that David Thompson had reported to APC that the owners of that land were demanding too high a value so that a land swap probably would not succeed. PBW agreed with PL and said he would try to arrange such a meeting.


Next meeting:  2p.m. Monday 7th July 2014 at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house). 

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 4th August 2014



Albrighton Fayre Saturday 12th July 2014 – please can committee members not attending provide substitutes to help with our stall which is our main day for collecting new subscriptions and renewing subscriptions


All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October
Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 13th October 2014